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El culto de Mitra en Hispania

Jaime Alvar Ezquerra

Jaime Alvar hace en este libro un estudio exhaustivo de las condiciones en las que se produce la introducción de Mitra en Hispania, a finales del siglo I d. C., en un momento sorprendentemente prematuro en relación con otras regiones del occidente latino. Se interesa por las circunstancias de su r…


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

Il Mitreo del Circo Massimo. Studio preliminare di un monumento inedito tra archeologia, conservazione e fruizione

Il Mitreo del Circo Massimo. Studio preliminare di un monumento inedito tra archeologia, conservazione e fruizione

Emanuela Murgia

This volume collects the first results of the extensive and articulated research project dedicated to the Mithraeum of the Circus Maximus, the result of the Research Agreement stipulated in 2016 between the Capitoline Superintendence and the University of…

Porphyry's On the Cave of the Nymphs in its Intellectual Context

Porphyry's On the Cave of the Nymphs in its Intellectual Context

Nilufer Akcay

Neoplatonic allegorical interpretation expounds how literary texts present philosophical ideas in an enigmatic and coded form, offering an alternative path to the divine truths. The Neoplatonist Porphyry’s On the Cave of the Nymphs is one of the most si…

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

autores varios

In Vergil’s Aeneid, the poet implies that those who have been initiated into mystery cults enjoy a blessed situation both in life and after death. This collection of essays brings new insight to the study of mystic cults in the ancient world, particular…

Guida dei mitrei della Roma antiqua. Dai misteriosi sotterranei della capitale. Oro, incenso e mithra

Guida dei mitrei della Roma antiqua. Dai misteriosi sotterranei della capitale. Oro, incenso e mithra

Carlo Pavia

l Mitraismo è, tra le religioni antiche di epoca romana, quella che più incuriosisce. Il motivo va ricercato nella grande quantità di nessi in comune con il Cristianesimo. Attraverso una attenta analisi, approfondita e assai mirata, Carlo Pavia è rius…

Il Mitreo dei Castra Peregrinorum (S. Stefano Rotondo)

Il Mitreo dei Castra Peregrinorum (S. Stefano Rotondo)

E. Lissi-Caronna

'Avec la découverte récente du mithréum de Septeuil (Oise), c'est un des plus riches apports de ces dernières années à notre connaissance de la religion mithriaque.' Henri Lavagne, Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 1989.

Les fouilles menÃ…

Symbols of transformation. An analysis of the prelude to a case of schizophrenia

Symbols of transformation. An analysis of the prelude to a case of schizophrenia

Carl Gustav Jung

Symbols of Transformation is Volume 5 in The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, a series of books published by Princeton University Press in the U.S. and Routledge & Kegan Paul in the U.K. It is a complete revision of Psychology of the Unconscious (1911–12)…

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Monographs on monuments

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