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Daily Gazette

Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.

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Jan 2024


Administrator, probably a slave of Alfius Severus.

Jan 2024

A chara,
Any chance of an English translation of El Culto de Mitra en Hispania? If all else fails I’ll work my way slowly through it with my diccionario. Meanwhile, I’m struck by some similarities between the Mithraic Mysteries and Irish Druidism, particularly the tairbhfeis roughly translated as the "bull feast" or "bull sleep". The slaughter of a bull was involved. Rites of kingship applied but also when in search of visions, the Druid/Druidess would wrap themselves in a bull hide and sleep within the dark caves of the ancient mounds (built pre Druidic religion). Many of the mounds were constructed to face the sun. The mound at Brugh na Boinne has a ’roof box’ over the entrance which allows for the sun’s rays of the winter solstice to strike the central chamber. O.R.

Jan 2024

Religions solaires et culte initiatique de Mithra

L'école mithriaque représente, à nos yeux, une source riche et féconde d'enseignements relatifs à la conduite de la vie. Il nous a semblé aussi que la psychothérapie actuelle se trouverait enrichie par l'étude des données des "psychodrames" antiq…

Jan 2024

I’m a bbazilian history teacher.

Jan 2024

writer, screenwriter, creative in XR (Extended Reality) immersive technology & media.

Jan 2024
Jan 2024

Savez vous si du mobilier a été découvert dans la salle annexe sud ou il ne restait rien ?

Jan 2024

Savez vous si des salles annexes ont été découvertes dans ce mithraeum, ainsi que du mobilier provenant de ces salles annexes ?

Jan 2024

Etudiant en première année de master à l’Université de Bourgogne. Je travail sur un mémoire sur le petit mobilier des salles annexes du mithraeum des Bolards.

Jan 2024
Dec 2023

I enjoy learning about the ancient :)

Welcome Mertseger. We do too ✨
Dec 2023

آیین مهر – فراتر از ایران : مستندی ویژه یلدا

شب چله یا شب یلدا طولانی شب سال رازی را در خود پنهان داشته . در فرهنگ و تاریخ ایران باستان ، این شب تولد ایزد مهر و خورشید است چرا که از صبح روز اول دی روزها طولانی تر شده و روشنایی بر تاریکی پیروز میشود.

Dec 2023

TV senior producer

Dec 2023

Curious researcher.

Dec 2023

It is indeed surprising to see Mithras represented in the Middle Ages, as we tend to assume that paganism was forgotten at an early date. Well, some representations of Mithras killing the bull in key locations in Europe prove the opposite. To what extent did medieval masons know about the cult of Mithras?

Here are the best known examples:

* Tauroctony of Santo Domingo de Silos
* Tauroctony of Aula Gotica.

Dec 2023

Tauroctony of Monreale

On one of the capitals of the cathedral of Santa Maria Nuova in Monreale, Sicily, an unusual turbaned bull-slaying Mithras has been recorded.

Dec 2023

Tauroctony of Santo Domingo de Silos

Mithras slaying the bull appears as the sign of Capricorn in a zodiacal sequence on the Pórtico del Cordero of the Abbey de Santo Domingo de Silos, Burgos, Spain.

Dec 2023

Des images mithriaques à l’époque médiévale ?

Intervention de Nicolas Amoroso, commissaire de l’exposition Le Mystère de Mithra.

Dec 2023

Tauroctony of Aula Gotica

What appears to be a representation of Mithras killing the bull appears in the 12th century frescoes of the Basilica dei Santi Quattro Coronati in Rome.

Dec 2023

Ancient Secrets

Teachings of Hamed Khorram Shahgol, researcher of philosophy and ancient sciences.

Welcome Hamed and thank you for your excellent group and posts. We *need* more!
here’s a wonderful article, full of meanings to explain the different gods. In the religion of Mithras, the journey of the soul seemed very important. So the sacred rite was based on the Zodiac, which described the different stations of the soul on the way to reincarnation, or resurrection. In this way, the slayer god of Taurus organized the circuit of souls.