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The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult

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The exhibition The Mystery of Mithras: Exploring the Heart of a Roman Cult is being presented at the Musée royal de Mariemont from 20 November 2021 to 17 April 2022, then at the Musée Saint-Raymond de Toulouse from 14 May 2022 to 30 October 2022, and lastly at the Archäologisches Museum Fra


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

The Mysteries of Mithras

The Mysteries of Mithras

Edward Clary

Holmes Publishing Group, 1993. A FINE COPY, bound in custom wraps with parchment overlay. The development of Mithraism with special attention to its relationship with Gnosticism. (Item ID: JH-209-8)

En los oscuros lugares del saber

En los oscuros lugares del saber

Peter Kingsley

El poema de Parménides del siglo V a. C. es, además de uno de los pilares de la cultura occidental, un texto enigmático que ha desafiado a todos sus intérpretes durante más de dos mil quinientos años. A partir de un profundo conocimiento de la filol…

Mithras és misztériumai I-II

Mithras és misztériumai I-II

László Levente

A történelem homályában született, legalább 3500 éve ismert és máig tisztelt istenség a különböző korokban, vallásokban és alakokban felbukkanó Mithras, a fény. A kötet az isten történetének forrásait taglalja, középpontban a róm…

Recherches sur le culte public et Mystères de Mithra en Orient et Occident. Iconographie et iconologie

Recherches sur le culte public et Mystères de Mithra en Orient et Occident. Iconographie et iconologie

Hashem Razi

The present book has been compiled in two volumes. Research about the mysterious history of Mithraism in the east and west so far.

Guida dei mitrei della Roma antiqua. Dai misteriosi sotterranei della capitale. Oro, incenso e mithra

Guida dei mitrei della Roma antiqua. Dai misteriosi sotterranei della capitale. Oro, incenso e mithra

Carlo Pavia

l Mitraismo è, tra le religioni antiche di epoca romana, quella che più incuriosisce. Il motivo va ricercato nella grande quantità di nessi in comune con il Cristianesimo. Attraverso una attenta analisi, approfondita e assai mirata, Carlo Pavia è rius…

The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries. Cosmology & Salvation in the Ancient World

The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries. Cosmology & Salvation in the Ancient World

David Ulansey

In the centuries following the conquests of Alexander the Great the dramatic unification of the Mediterranean world created exceptionally fertile soil for the growth of new religions. Christianity, for example, was one of the innovative religious movement…

Zarathusthra et la tradition mazdéenne

Zarathusthra et la tradition mazdéenne

Jean Varenne

Jean Varenne. — Zarathushtra et la tradition mazdéenne, coll. « Maîtres spirituels », n° 35, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1966, 181 p. — Vouloir tracer en moins de deux cents pages un tableau complet de la tradition mazdéenne est certes une …

Transformation of Libido. A Seminar on Jung's Symbols of Transformation

Transformation of Libido. A Seminar on Jung's Symbols of Transformation

Edward F. Edinger

Symbols of Transformation is one of Jung’s major works. Originally published in 1912, it was extensively revised and expanded in the 1952 edition to incorporate Jung’s later mature understanding of the psyche. This work, in its first edition, heralded…

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Monographs on monuments

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