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The "Mithras Liturgy". Text, Translation, and Commentary

autor desconocido

Just hundred years after the first edition of Albrecht Dietrich's Eine Mithrasliturgie (Leipzig 1903; 1923), the present book offers a complete new edition of so complex a text. It provides the Greek text, an English translation, a punctual introduction, an extensive commentary, an index of Greek wo


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

Les Métamorphoses ou l'âne d'or

Les Métamorphoses ou l'âne d'or

Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis

Jubilant dans le baroque aux confins de l'érotisme, du fantastique et de la mort, Les Métamorphoses d’Apulée (IIe siècle), seul roman latin dont nous possédions le texte intégral, racontent à la première personne les tribulations d’un naïf tr…

Une inscription gravée sur un vase cultuel mithriaque

Une inscription gravée sur un vase cultuel mithriaque

W. Vollgraff

W. Vollgraff, Une inscription gravée sur un vase cultuel mithriaque. Extrait de : Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 18, N° 8, pp. 205-218, 2 figg. et 1 pi. Prix : 1,25 fl. Un ré…

Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras. The Drug Cult That Civilized Europe

Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras. The Drug Cult That Civilized Europe

Carl A. P. Ruck

Anthropological evidence has long suggested that psychedelic plants have played important roles in indigenous communities for thousands of years, but most scholarship does not address their larger sphere of influence on western culture. In their ground…

The cult of Mithra as it developed in the West, its origins, its features, and its probable connection with Mithra worship in Iran

The cult of Mithra as it developed in the West, its origins, its features, and its probable connection with Mithra worship in Iran

Robert Turcan

For most of the twentieth century the major problem addressed by scholarship on both Roman Mithraism and the Iranian god Mithra was the question of continuity. Did Mithra-worship migrate from Iran to the Roman Empire in some institutional form or was Mith…

Les Lamelles d'or orphiques

Les Lamelles d'or orphiques

Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli

Depuis la première moitié du XIXe siècle et encore tout récemment, on a retrouvé dans des tombes de Grande Grèce, de Crète ou de Thessalie, des lamelles d'or, très fines, datables du IVe au IIe siècle av. J.-C., qui contiennent des instructions d…

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

autores varios

In Vergil’s Aeneid, the poet implies that those who have been initiated into mystery cults enjoy a blessed situation both in life and after death. This collection of essays brings new insight to the study of mystic cults in the ancient world, particular…

Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano

Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano

María Teresa Juan Sanchis

El objetivo principal ha sido la recopilación de sus pruebas materiales, tanto en lo que se refiere a inscripciones como en lo tocante a los templos de los que quedan o quedaron evidencias. Se ha intentado dar una imagen lo más completa posible de la es…

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Monographs on monuments

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