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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 41 results.

  • Locus

    Augusta Treverorum

    Augusta Treverorum, today's Trier in Rhineland-Palatinate, is considered to be the oldest city in Germany.
  • Monumentum

    Mercury of Mérida

    The statue of Mercury in Merida bears a dedication from the Roman Pater of a community in the city in 155.

    TNMM394 – CIMRM 780, 781

    Ann(o) col(oniae) CLXXX / invicto deo Mithrae / sacr(um) / G(aius) Accius Hedychrus / Pater / a(nimo) (libente) plosuit).
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of London

    The London Mithraeum also known as Walbrook Mithraeum has been contextualized and relocated in its original emplacement in 2016.

    TNMM25 – CIMRM 814

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo d’Aosta

    The remains of the Mithraeum of Aosta, also known as the Mitreo di Augusta Praetoria, were discovered in 1953 in insula 59, in a commercial district of the ancient city.


  • Monumentum

    Altar by Florus from El Gahara

    This altar is dedicated to the god Sol Invictus Mithras by a certain Florus, a veteran of the Legio III Augusta.

    TNMM780 – CIMRM 153

    [deo] Soli invicto / Mithrae / [Gel?]lius Florus / [vet(eranus?)] leg(ionis) III aug(ustae) / ... us Pastor / [si]g(nifer) al(ae) I Pa[nn(oniorum] / [Pom]ponius Ma/[xi]mus b(ene)f(iciarius) / [co] (n)…
  • Monumentum

    Cautes of Trier

    This remarkable relief by Cautes was found in what appears to be a mithraeum in Trier.


  • Syndexios


    Donated a krater with weekday gods to Mithras god and king in Augusta Treverorum.
  • Monumentum

    Altar with Sol’s head from Altbachtal

    This stone altar fround in Altbachtal bears an inscription by a certain Martius Martialis.

    TNMM747 – CIMRM 986

    D(eo) i(nvicto) S(oli) / Martius Martialis / pater / in suo posuit.
  • Syndexios

    Sextus Vervicius Eutyches

    Textile merchant from Augusta Treverorum and Pater of his community, he left testimony of his cult to Mithras in the 3rd century.
  • Syndexios

    Martius Martialis

    Pater who offered several monuments, including a temple, in Augusta Treverorum.
  • Syndexios

    Claudius Zenobius

    Procurator of Tarraconensis, he dedicated a monument to the Invincible God, Isis and Serapis in Asturica Augusta.
  • Monumentum

    Mithraic vase of Mühltal

    The Mühltal Mithraic crater was discovered among the artefacts of a mithraeum found in Pfaffenhoffen am Inn, Bavaria.


    Deo invicto Mitr[a]e Ma[rt- or -tern]inus.
  • Monumentum

    Altar with Phrygian cap from Altbachtal

    The altar with a Phrygian cap and a dagger from Trier was erected by a Pater called Martius Martialis.

    TNMM525 – CIMRM 987

    D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Martius / Martia/lis pater / in suo / posuit.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Firmidius Severinus from Geneva

    This limestone altar bears an inscription from its donor, Firmidius Severinus, in honour of Mithras after 26 years of service in the Legio VIII Augusta.

    TNMM599 – CIMRM 916

    Deo invicto / genio loci / Firmidius Se/verinus mi(les) /leg(ionis) VIII aug(ustae) p(iae) f(idelis) / c(onstantis) C(ommodae) stip(endiorum) XXVI aram / ex voto pro salute / sua v(otum) s(olvit) l(ib…
  • Monumentum

    Dedication inscription from Koenigshoffen Mithraeum

    The inscription reports the restoration of the coloured painting of the main relief of the Mithraeum by a veteran of the Legio VIII Augusta.

    TNMM253 – CIMRM 1361

    In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) deo Invic/to M(ithrae) C(aius) Celsinius / Matutinus veter(anus) / leg(ionis) VIII Aug(ustae) Alexan/drianae typum / de suo repinx(it)
  • Monumentum

    Intaglio of chalcedony at the BnF

    This intaglio depicting Mithras killing the bull is preserved at the Bibliothèque national de France.


  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-birth of Trier

    The relief depicts the birth of Mithras, holding a globe, surrounded by the zodiac.

    TNMM312 – CIMRM 985

  • Syndexios


    Solder of the Legio II Augusta who dedicated a monument to Mithras Invictus in Isca.
  • Syndexios

    Firmidius Severinus

    Firmidius Severinus was a soldier who served in the Legio VIII Augusta for 26 years.
  • Syndexios

    Ulpius Silvanus

    Soldier recruited in Arausio (Orange), emeritus of the Legion II Augusta.