Symbols of Transformation is one of Jung’s major works. Originally published in 1912, it was extensively revised and expanded in the 1952 edition to incorporate Jung’s later mature understanding of the psyche. This work, in its first edition, heralded…
Symbols of Transformation is Volume 5 in The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, a series of books published by Princeton University Press in the U.S. and Routledge & Kegan Paul in the U.K. It is a complete revision of Psychology of the Unconscious"laid down a"…
In their groundbreaking new book, Mushrooms, Myths & Mithras, classics scholar Carl Ruck and friends reveal compelling evidence suggesting that psychedelic mushroom use was equally influential in early Europe, where it was central to initiation cerem
Certains mythes de l'Antiquité sont probablement basés sur des récits de « mort imminente » exactement les mêmes que les nôtres. Ainsi, s'expliqueraient le Paradis, l'Enfer, l'âme, le Dieu unique, nos divers «états d'âme»...
The Cilician pirates incorporated significant divine feminine elements, notably Anahita, into their Mithraic practices, profoundly influencing the initiation rites within the Roman Empire.
Tracing the links between the cult of Mithras and the Proud Boys’ quest for identity, power, and belonging. How ancient rituals and brotherhood ideals resurface in radical modern movements.
Douze siècles séparent le déclin du Mithraïsme romain de l'aube de la Franc-maçonnerie. Douze siècles pendant lesquels les mystères de Mithra sont restés plus secrets que jamais.
Ernest Renan suggested that without the rise of Christianity, we might all have embraced the cult of Mithras. Nevertheless, it has had a lasting influence on secret societies, religious movements and popular culture.
Peter Mark Adams: ‘The initiation was a frightening experience that caused some people to panic as a flood of otherworldly entities swept through the ritual space.’