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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 11 results.

  • Liber

    Mithra, Zoroastre et la préhistoire aryenne du christianisme (1935)

    « Voici un livre écrit dans l'enthousiasme, et capable de susciter des vocations. Il s'adresse à un public assez large, ce qui en excuse d'avance certains rapprochements un peu gros et certaines redites, point inutiles quand il s'agit de notions ou de …
  • Socius

    Charles Donahue

    A.B. Candidate in Departments of History and Classics at Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH)
  • Liber

    Topoi, volume 11/1 (2001)

    Avant-propos Ce volume comprend, à côté de nombreux comptes rendus, regroupés dans le fascicule 2, une série de dossiers traitant de thèmes chers à la revue (l'Orient hellénisé), ou illustrant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Trois d'entre eux…
  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Mitreo Fagan

    This white marble relief depicting a lion-headed figure from Ostia is now exposed at the Musei Vaticani.

    TNMM440 – CIMRM 314, 315

    C. Valerius Heracles pat[e]r e[t] an[tis]/tes dei iu[b]enis inconrupti So[l]is invicti Mithra[e / c]ryptam palati concessa[m] sibi a M. Aurelio / ---.
  • Monumentum

    Intaglio with Tauroctony from The Met

    This small magical jasper gem shows Sol in a quadrigra on the recto and Mithras as a bull slayer on the verso.

    TNMM769 – CIMRM 2361

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Villa Borghese

    This relief of Mithras slaying the bull was erected in Piazza del Campidoglio, moved to Villa Borghese and is now in the Louvre Museum.

    TNMM131 – CIMRM 415, 416

    Nama Sebesio. / Deo Soli invict[o] Mitrhe (sic!) / C(aii) Aufidii Ianuarius [et…] Nam/a/ ne CS
  • Monumentum

    Mithras petrogenitus from Villa Giustiniani

    Mithras rock-born from Villa Giustiniani was holding a bunch of grapes in its raised right hand instead of a torch, probably due to a restoration.

    TNMM124 – CIMRM 590, 591

    Nama / L(ucius) Fl(avius) Hermadion / hoc mihi libens / d(onum) d(edit).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony in the British Museum

    The sculpture of Mithras slaying the bull was transported from Rome to London by Charles Standish in 1815.

    TNMM328 – CIMRM 592

  • Monumentum

    Mithras killing the Bull from L'Origine de tous les cultes

    Engraving with cosmological and symbolic mithraic elements.


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