Depuis la première moitié du XIXe siècle et encore tout récemment, on a retrouvé dans des tombes de Grande Grèce, de Crète ou de Thessalie, des lamelles d'or, très fines, datables du IVe au IIe siècle av. J.-C., qui contiennent des instructions d…
Why did the Romans worship a Persian god? This book presents a new reading of the Mithraic iconography taking into account that the cult had a prophecy.
Over the last century or so, a great deal has been said about the god Mithras and his mysteries, which became known to the European world mainly through his Roman cultus during the Imperial Period.
Doce siglos separan el ocaso del mitraísmo romano del alba de la masonería. Doce siglos durante los cuales, los misterios de Mitra han permanecido más secretos que nunca.
Figures in procession, each representing a different grade of Mithraic initiation, labeled with their respective titles.
TNMM115 – CIMRM 480
Nama [patribus] / ab oriente / ad occidente(m) / tutela Saturni. [Na]ma H[eliodromis] / tute[l]a S[ol]is. [Na]ma Persis / tutela [Mer]curis. Nama L[e]on[i]b[us] j tutela Iovis. Nama Militibus j tutela…