On ne saurait qu'applaudir à l'idée qu'a eue V. J. Walters de faire le point des découvertes mithriaques en Gaule romaine. Son projet reste dominé par le découpage administratif des « Roman provinces of Gaul ». Mais compte tenu de l'ensemble que ce…
The Danubian provinces represent one of the largest macro-units within the Roman Empire, with a large and rich heritage of Roman material evidence. Although the notion itself is a modern 18th-century creation, this region represents a unique area, where t…
This terra sigillata was found in 1926 in a grave on the Roman cemetery of St. Matthias, Trier. An eyelet indicates that it could have been hung on a wall.
The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.
Over the last century or so, a great deal has been said about the god Mithras and his mysteries, which became known to the European world mainly through his Roman cultus during the Imperial Period.