«Mithra non volse nell’antichità come una divinità astratta, ma come un Dio misterico e, simultaneamente, come un ‘fautore dell’impero’, fautor imperii. Esso veniva presentato… come il simbolo di una determinata realtà interiore… che si do…
The first and the third of the following essays written by Julius Evola are dedicated to the mysteries of Mithras, while the second essay concerns itself with the Roman Emperor, Julian.
Tras reunir, traducir y editar, los textos incluidos en este dossier, confesamos que el conjunto nos ha impresionado particularmente.
Hasta ese momento, creíamos sabíamos solamente que el mithraismo era una forma de paganismo, caracterizado -como otr…
Tracing the links between the cult of Mithras and the Proud Boys’ quest for identity, power, and belonging. How ancient rituals and brotherhood ideals resurface in radical modern movements.
Laurent Bricault has revolutionised Mithraic studies with the exhibition The Mystery of Mithras. Meet this professor in Toulouse for a fascinating look at the latest discoveries and what lies ahead.
Laurent Bricault révolutionne les études mithriaques avec l’exposition Le Mystère Mithra. Rencontre à Toulouse avec ce professeur pour une plongée fascinante dans les dernières découvertes sur ce culte invincible.