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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 35 results.

  • Liber

    Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (2010)

    In Vergil’s Aeneid, the poet implies that those who have been initiated into mystery cults enjoy a blessed situation both in life and after death. This collection of essays brings new insight to the study of mystic cults in the ancient world, particular…
  • Liber

    The Roman Cult of Mithras. The God and His Mysteries (1990)

    Manfred Clauss's introduction to the Roman Mithras cult has become widely accepted as the most reliable and readable account of this fascinating subject.
  • Socius

    Richard Veymiers

    Archéologue et historien de l’art belge, professeur à l’université de Liège, et directeur du Domaine & Musée royal de Mariemont.
  • Liber

    Roman Mithraism: the Evidence of the Small Finds (2021)

    Papers of the international conference "Roman Mithraism: the Evidence of the Small Finds". Tienen 7-8 November 2001.
  • Socius

    James Gordon

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony exhibited at the Cincinnati Art Museum

    In the tauroctonic relief on display at the Cincinnati Art Museum, Mithras slaughters the bull over a rocky background.


  • Syndexios

    Titus Tettius Plotus

    Pater Sacrorum and veteran of the Legio IV Flavia Felix.
  • Liber

    Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae (1956)

    Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae (or CIMRM) is a two volume collection of inscriptions and monuments relating primarily to the Mithraic Mysteries.
  • Monumentum

    Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße

    The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.

    TNMM378 – CIMRM 1020

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo di Vulci

    The Mithraeum of Vulci is remarkable because of his high benches and the arches below them.


  • Syndexios

    Titus Flavius Hyginus Ephebianus

    Freedman who dedicated the first monument mentioning a Pater.
  • Notitia

    The MITHRA Project

    Laurent Bricault has revolutionised Mithraic studies with the exhibition The Mystery of Mithras. Meet this professor in Toulouse for a fascinating look at the latest discoveries and what lies ahead.
  • Notitia

    Le projet MITHRA

    Laurent Bricault révolutionne les études mithriaques avec l’exposition Le Mystère Mithra. Rencontre à Toulouse avec ce professeur pour une plongée fascinante dans les dernières découvertes sur ce culte invincible.
  • Liber

    Topoi, volume 11/1 (2001)

    Avant-propos Ce volume comprend, à côté de nombreux comptes rendus, regroupés dans le fascicule 2, une série de dossiers traitant de thèmes chers à la revue (l'Orient hellénisé), ou illustrant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Trois d'entre eux…
  • Liber

    Mithriaca III. The Mithraeum at Marino (1982)

    This magnificently illustrated publication renews the Mithraic dossier on the basis of concrete data, with caution and penetration. Marino's discovery is disconcerting and rekindles the controversy about the order in which bands should be read.
  • Liber

    Soma. Divine Mushroom of Immortality (1968)

    R. Gordon Wàsson. — Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality, New York, Harcourt, Brace and World; Inc., 1968, Ethno-mycological studies, n° 1, xiv + 382 p., XXIII pl. hors texte en couleurs, 10 fig., 4 cartes. M. Wasson, qui s'est déjà fait connaÃ…
  • Monumentum

    Fresco ‘City of Darkness’ from Hawarte

    The City of Darkness unique fresco from the Mithraeum of Hawarte shows the tightest links between the western and eastern worship of Mithras in Roman Syria.


  • Video

    Le culte romain de Mithra par Richard Veymiers

    Le culte romain de Mithra. Entre réalités antiques et fantasmes contemporains ! Par Richard Veymiers, directeur du Domaine et Musée royal de Mariemont.
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

    The Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres is of great importance for the understanding of the cult, because of its black-and-white mosaics depicting the planets, the zodiac and related elements.

    TNMM9 – CIMRM 239

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony 593

    This is the earliest sculpture of Mithras killing the bull known to date.

    TNMM164 – CIMRM 593, 594

    Alcimus T. Cl(audi) Liviani ser(vus) vilic(us) S(oli) M(ithrae) v(otum) s(olvit) d(onum) d(edit)