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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 4 results.

  • Locus


    Waidbruck is a comune in South Tyrol in northern Italy, located about 20 kilometres northeast of Bolzano.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony on display in Boston

    This fragmentary relief depicts Mithras killing the bull in the usual manner, remarkably dressed in oriental attire.

    TNMM539 – CIMRM 607

  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Valentinus Secundionis

    This monument, now lost, was discovered in the 16th century, probably on the site of Sublavio statio.

    TNMM658 – CIMRM 730

    D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / et Soli soci/o sac(rum) Valen/tinus Se/cund[i]on[i]s / ob memor(iam) / patris sui / ex colleg(a) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Altar to Mithras at the Walters Art Museum

    This altar bears an inscription to the health of the emperor Commodus by a certain Marcus Aurelius, his father and two other fellows.

    TNMM542 – CIMRM 510

    Soli Invicto / Mithrae / pro salute Commod(i) / Antonini Aug(usti) domin(i) n(ostri) / M(arcus) Aurel(ius) Stertinius / Carpus una cum Carpo / proc(uratore) k(astrensi) patre et Her/mioneo et Balbino …