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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 5 results.

  • Socius

    Sebastian Buck

    researcher on Mithraism for over 20 years, author of the book "Mithras. Geschichte einer Gottheit"
  • Liber

    Mithras: Geschichte einer Gottheit (2021)

    Keiner der zahlreichen heidnischen Kulte und keine antike Religion hat das Christentum in einer Weise herausgefordert und geprägt, wie der römische Mysterienkult des Sonnen- und Erlösergottes Mithras.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Petreius Victor

    Garlic merchant, probably from Lusitania, who dedicated an altar to Cautes in Tarraconensis.
  • Monumentum

    Relief of Aion-Phanes

    The Aion / Phanes relief, currently on display in the Gallerie Estensi, Moneda, is associated with two Eastern mysteric religions: Mithraism and Orphism.

    TNMM327 – CIMRM 695, 696

    Euphrosy/n[e] et Felix. P(ecunia) p(osuit) / Felix pater.
  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mérida

    The Aion-Chronos of Mérida was found near the bullring of the current city, once capital of the Roman province Hispania Ulterior.

    TNMM181 – CIMRM 777

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