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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 7 results.

  • Liber

    Les Cultes à  mystères dans l'antiquité (2003)

    Le livre de Walter Burkert permet de comprendre mieux ce que représentaient pour les hommes et les femmes de l’Antiquité les initiations aux mystères: mystères d'Eleusis, mystères dionysiaques, mystères de la Grande Mère, mystères d'Isis, mystè…
  • Liber

    A Story Waiting to Pierce You. Mongolia, Tibet and the Destiny of the Western World (2018)

    A Story Waiting To Pierce You offers a breathtaking insight into our past and our future as human beings. For the first time in centuries it traces the ancient threads that connect Mongolia, Tibet and Native Americans to the very origins of western civili…
  • Notitia

    El padre de Mitra

    Es bien sabido que Mitra nació de una roca. Sin embargo, menos se ha escrito acerca del padre del dios solar, y especialmente sobre cómo lo concibió.
  • Notitia

    The Father of Mithras

    It is well known that Mithras was born from a rock. However, less has been written about the father of the solar god, and especially about how he conceived him.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Secundinus of Lyon

    There is no consensus on the authenticity of this monument erected by a certain Secundinus in Lugdunum, Gallia.

    TNMM748 – CIMRM 906, 907

    Deo invicto / Mithr(ae) / Secundinus dat.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony relief from Ladenburg

    The Tauroctony from Landerburg, Germany, shows a naked Mithras only accompanied by his fellow Cautes.

    TNMM290 – CIMRM 1275

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