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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras.

Your search sol gave 303 results.

  • Monumentum

    Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße

    The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.

    TNMM378 – CIMRM 1020

  • Monumentum

    Altar by Marcus Aurelius Sabinus

    This altar to the god Sol invicto Mithra was erected by a legate during Maximin's reign in Lambaesis, Numidia.

    TNMM616 – CIMRM 134

    Deo Sol(i) in/victo Mi/thrae / M. Aurel(ius) / M(arci) f(ilius) Sergi/s Carnu/nto Sabi/nus prae/fect(us) leg(ionis) / III aug(ustae) p(iae) v(indicis) / Maximi/nianae v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito…
  • Monumentum

    The Acosolium of the Mysteries in the Hypogeum of Vibia

    The epigrahy includes a mention of Marcus Aurelius, a priest of the god Sol Mithras, who bestowed joy and pleasure on his students.


    Dis pater Aeracura // Fata divina // Mercurius / nuntius // Vibia Alcestis // Abreptio Vibi(a)es(!) et discensio // Septe(m) pii sacerdotes // Vincentius // Bonorum iudicio iudicati // Vibia //s quoib…
  • Monumentum

    Altar with openwork of Inveresk

    The altar of Sol from Inveresk, Scotland, was pierced, probably to illuminate part of the temple with a particular effect.


    Soli C(aius) Cas(sius ?) Fla(vianus ?) >
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Zadar

    The relief of Mithras killing the bull of Zadar includes a naked Sol in a quadriga.

    TNMM239 – CIMRM 1879

  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum von Mundelsheim

    The two altars found in the Mithraeum of Mundelsheim one of Sol and the other of Luna, are exposed in situ.


  • Monumentum

    Mithras-inscription of Speyer

    This monument with an inscription to the god Sol Mithras was found in front of the cathedral of Speyer during some sewer works.

    TNMM692 – CIMRM 1312

    [In] ho(norem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / [deo] Soli / [Mi]trh/[ae].
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Nummius Amandus from Alba Iulia

    This altar dedicated to the Invincible Sol Mithra was found in 1878 in a cemetery in Alba Iulia.

    TNMM643 – CIMRM 1951

    Soli i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / C(aius) Nummius / Amandus / qui et / templum.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription on restauration of the Mitreo de Carsulae

    Marble plaque with inscription of a sacerdos probatus to Sol and the god Invictus Mithras.


    Soli et invicto [deo Mithrae]. / Ex permissu san[ctissimi] / ordinis dec[ur(ionum)] / Sex(tus) Egnatius Primitivus / sacerdos probatus sevir / Aug(ustalis) Casuenti et Carsulis, / q(uaestor) arcae Aug…
  • Monumentum

    Altar to Sol by brothers of Budaors

    This fragmented altar was erected by two brothers from the Legio II Adiutrix who also built a temple.

    TNMM558 – CIMRM 1793

    Sol(i) Soc(io) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fron/tinianus / et M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fr[o]/nto mil(ites) leg(ionis) /II Ad(iutricis) fratres / templ(um) const(ituerunt) / Antonino / IIII co(n)s(ule).