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Monuments to Mithras tagged with ‘fax’

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult tagged with ‘fax’.

Your selection in monuments gave 130 results.

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  • Monumentum

    Altar for Cautopates from Ptuj

    Altar for Cautopates.

    TNMM1385 – CIMRM 1505

    Cautopa/ti sac(rum) / Cresce(n)s / Gabini Antoni / ser(vus) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Frescoes with standing figures of Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte

    The frescoes depict several figures dressed in different garments associated with the Mithraic degrees.

    TNMM104 – CIMRM 268

  • Monumentum

    Fresco scene from Mitreo of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

    Fresco showing a scene of initiation into the mysteries of Mithras in the Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

    TNMM234 – CIMRM 188

  • Monumentum

    Mithras-Men from Rome

    Relief possibly depicting Mithras-Men holding a torch and a a bust of Luna on a crescent.

    TNMM1077 – CIMRM 541

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony from Salita delle Tre Pile

    White marble relief depicting Mithras killing the bull, found broken in two parts in 1872 near Salita delle Tre Pile in Rome.

    TNMM995 – CIMRM 417

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 123 124

    Two marble statues (H. 0.63; 0.60).

    TNMM1373 – CIMRM 123, 124

  • Monumentum

    Petrogeny with hand on head from Nida

    This sculpture of Mithras being born from a rock is unique in the position of the hands, one on his head, the other on the rock.

    TNMM761 – CIMRM 1111

  • Monumentum

    Cautes with bull head of Sarmizegetusa

    This sculpture of Cautes holding a bull’s head was found in 1882 in Sarmizegetusa, Romania.

    TNMM522 – CIMRM 2122, 2123

    V(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief from Konjic

    The mithraic relief of Konjic shows a Tauroctony in one side and a ritual meal in the other.

    TNMM259 – CIMRM 1896

    Deo Soli inv[ict]o Meter[ae].
  • Monumentum

    Major fresco of the Mitreo Barberini

    The votive fresco from the Mithraeum Barberini displays several scenes from Mithras’s myth.

    TNMM167 – CIMRM 390

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Strasbourg

    These fragments of a monumental relief of Mithras killing the bull from Koenigshoffen were reassembled and are now on display at the Musée Archéologique de Strasbourg.

    TNMM576 – CIMRM 1359, 1360

    [In h(onorem)] d(omus) d(ivinae) d(eo) i(nvicto) M[ithrae] / ... us M.P.D ... / ... us typu[m] ... / ... solo v ...
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Mauls

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull at Mauls in Gallia cisalpina is a paradigmatic example of the so-called Rhine-type Tauroctony.

    TNMM476 – CIMRM 1400

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Osterburken

    Franz Cumont considers the bas relief of Osterburken ’the most remarkable of all the monuments of the cult of Mithras found up to now’.

    TNMM176 – CIMRM 1292, 1293

    D[eo] S[oli] I[nvicto] M[ithrae] M[er?]catorius Castrensis in suo cons[ituit].
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony from the Mithräum von Heddernheim

    This relief is so well-known that it has been reproduced in nearly every handbook of archaeology and of history of religions.

    TNMM198 – CIMRM 1083

  • Monumentum

    Fresco Tauroctony of Mitreo di Marino

    The importance of the Mithraeum of Marino lies in its frescoes, the most significant of which is that of Mithras slaying the bull, surrounded by mythological scenes.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Dragus

    The tauroctonic relief from Dragus includes a naked flying figure that Vermaseren has identified as Phosporus or Lucifer.

    TNMM310 – CIMRM 1919

  • Monumentum

    Cautopates of Sidon

    Cautopates sculpture of Sidon features a snake near his left leg.

    TNMM160 – CIMRM 81

  • Monumentum

    Two-sided relief from Rückingen

    This remarkable double-sided relief depicts the myth of Mithras and the Tauroctony on one side, and a scene of Mithras the hunter and the banquet of Mithras and the Sol on the other.

    TNMM552 – CIMRM 1137

  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Palazzo Colonna

    The relief of Palazzo Colonna, Rome, depicts a lion-headed figure holding a burning torch in his outstretched hands.

    TNMM317 – CIMRM 383

  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-born from Housesteads

    A naked Mithra emerges from the cosmic egg surrounded by the zodiac, as always carrying a torch and a dagger.

    TNMM200 – CIMRM 860

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