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Monuments to Mithras tagged with ‘fax’

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult tagged with ‘fax’.

Your selection in monuments gave 130 results.

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  • Monumentum

    Cautes des Bolards

    This monument representing Cautes with uncrossed legs was consecrated by a certain Anttiocus.

    TNMM451 – CIMRM 918, 919

    L(ibens) l(aetus) Antti/ocus (sic) d(e) s(uo) d(edit).
  • Monumentum

    Second petrogey of Aquincum

    Another sculpture of Mithras rock-birth from the Mithraeum of Victorinus, in Aquincum.

    TNMM478 – CIMRM 1756

  • Monumentum

    Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo

    The sculpture of Mithras rock-birth from Santo Stefano Rotondo bears an inscription of Aurelius Bassinus, curator of the cult.


    Petram genetricem / Aur(elius) Bassinus aedituus / principiorum cast(rorum) pereg(rinorum) / dedicavit hoc in loco et d(ono) d(edit) / antistante A(ulo) Caedicio / Prisciano eq(uite) R(omano) patre
  • Monumentum

    Cautes and Cautópates of Palazzo Imperiale

    The sculptures of Cautes and Cautopates from the Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale may have been reused from an older mithraeum in Ostia.

    TNMM143 – CIMRM 254, 255

    C(aius) Caelius / Ermeros / ant/istes huius lo/ci fecit sua / pec(unia). Posit(a)e XV k(alendas) / febr(u)arias / Q(uinto) Iunio Rus/tico / L(ucio) Plaut[io] / Aquilin[o] / co[(n)s(ulibus)].
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Circo Massimo

    This remarkable marble relief from the end of the 3rd century was discovered in the most remote room of the Mithraeum in the Circo Massimo.

    TNMM184 – CIMRM 435, 436

    Deo Soli Invicto Mithrae Ti(tus) Cl(audius) Hermes ob votum dei typum d(onum) d(edit).
  • Monumentum

    Altar with Mithras rock-birth of Nida

    The Mithraic stele from Nida depicts the Mithras Petrogenesis and the gods Cautes, Cautopates, Heaven and Ocean.

    TNMM388 – CIMRM 1127

    D(eo) inv(icto) Mit(hrae) / Senilius Car/antinus / c(ivis) Medio/m(atricus) V(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito) / Sive Cracissiu[s]. // P(etram) genetricem.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Macerata

    The Macerata Tauroctony shows Mithra slaying the bull with the usual Pyrigian cap and six rays around his head.

    TNMM392 – CIMRM 690, 691

    [I]nvicto Propitio / Sal(vius) Novanio / [L]ucianus / d(onum) p(osuit)
  • Monumentum

    Round Tauroctony of Split

    The round relief of Mithras killing the bull of Split is surrounded by a circle with Sun, Moon, Saturn and some unusual animals.

    TNMM367 – CIMRM 1861

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Stixneusiedl

    The Tauroctony of Stixneusiedl was found in ancient Pannonia Superior, currently Austria.

    TNMM278 – CIMRM 1658

    D(eo) In(victo) M(ithrae) S(oli) pro s(alute) Aug(ustorum) nn(ostrorum) L(ucii) Sep(timii) / Valerius et Valerianus sex(viri) col(oniae) K(arnunti) / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) m(erito)
  • Monumentum

    Cautes from Newcastle

    This limestone statue of Cautes is now exposed at Great North Museum of Newcastle.

    TNMM251 – CIMRM 849

  • Monumentum

    Cautes and Cautopates of Marquise

    The two fellows of Mithras from Marquise, Boulogne-sur-Mer, are fully naked but for the cloak and the Phrygian cap.

    TNMM299 – CIMRM 951

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony found under the Palazzo Montecitorio (CIMRM 430)

    This relief was found under the Palazzo Montecitorio, in Rome, and bought by the Liebighaus at Frankfort.

    TNMM256 – CIMRM 430

  • Monumentum

    Cautes and Cautopates from Mithraeum III of Heddernheim

    The two companions of Mithras carry a torch and a shepherd's staff at the third Mithraeum in Frankfurt-Heddernheim, formerly Nida.

    TNMM408 – CIMRM 1119

  • Monumentum

    Cautes fresco from Mitreo di Santa Maria Capua Vetere

    In the Mithraeum of S. Capua Veteres, Cautes stands between two laurel trees.

    TNMM254 – CIMRM 182

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony bronze of Szőny

    Szony's bronze plate shows Mithra slaying the bull and the seven planets with attributes at the bottom of the composition.

    TNMM334 – CIMRM 1727

  • Monumentum

    Second Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo

    The second statue of Mithras rock-birth was found in the Mitreo di Santo Stefano Rotondo shows a childish Mitras emerging from the rock.


  • Monumentum

    Petrogenia of Aquincum

    In Aquincum petrogenia, Mithras holds the usual dagger and torch as he emerges from the rock.

    TNMM178 – CIMRM 1758

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Sisak

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Sisak includes the zodiac and multiple scenes from the myth of Mithras.

    TNMM366 – CIMRM 1472

  • Monumentum

    Mithras riding the bull

    Altar depicting the god Mithras or Cautes on a bull.

    TNMM155 – CIMRM 2186

  • Monumentum



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