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The New Mithraeum Database tagged with plaque

Mithraic monuments, temples and other objects related to Mithras and tagged with plaque.

Your search plaque gave 72 results.

  • Monumentum

    Votive plaque of Stockstadt

    This plaque was found in Mithraeum I at Stockstadt broken into pieces inserted between the blocks of the socle of the cult relief, in the manner of a votive deposit.

    TNMM399 – CIMRM 1206, 1207

    [D(eo)] i(nvicto) M(ithrae) et S(oli) s(ocio) Argata / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Bronze plaque of Mithras slaying the bull

    Mithras Tauroctony on bronze exposed at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.


  • Monumentum

    Plaque with the list of worshippers of Virunum

    The bronze bears the dedication of a restoration of a Mithraeum carried out in 183.


    D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) pro salute imp(eratoris) [[Commodi]] Auglustil pii / qui templum vii conlapsum impendio suo restituerunt / et mortalitat8is) causa convener(unt) / Marullo et Aeliano coln/s(…
  • Monumentum

    Inscription on restauration of the Mitreo de Carsulae

    Marble plaque with inscription of a sacerdos probatus to Sol and the god Invictus Mithras.


    Soli et invicto [deo Mithrae]. / Ex permissu san[ctissimi] / ordinis dec[ur(ionum)] / Sex(tus) Egnatius Primitivus / sacerdos probatus sevir / Aug(ustalis) Casuenti et Carsulis, / q(uaestor) arcae Aug…
  • Monumentum

    Plaque of Milan by Ulbius Gaianus

    This monument dedicated to 'Invicto Patrio' was found in Milan in 1869.

    TNMM530 – CIMRM 709

    Invicto / patrio / Ulb(ius) Gaianus / praef(ectus) vehic(ulorum).
  • Monumentum

    Slab of S. Urban by Ursinus

    Marble plaque with inscription by a certain Ursinus found in Virunum in 1838.

    TNMM532 – CIMRM 1443

    Deo invic/to Metras / Ursianus do/num posuet.
  • Monumentum

    Plaque of Astorga

    This slab dedicated to the invincible god, Serapis and Isis by Claudius Zenobius was found in 1967 in the walls of the city of Astorga, Spain.


    Invicto Deo / Serapidi et / Isidi / Cl(audius) Zenobius / Proc(urator) Aug(usti).
  • Monumentum

    Plaque of Meknès

    One of the two inscriptions by Aurelius Nectoreca, a follower of Mithras, found in Meknès, Morocco.

    TNMM656 – CIMRM 161

    Pro salute et incolumitate imp(eratoris) Caesaris / L(ucii) Aeli(i) Aurel(ii) Commodi Pii invicti feli/cis Herculis Romani imperioque / eius Aur(elius) Nectorega (centurio) vex(illariorum) Britt(onum)…
  • Monumentum

    Inscription on a leonteum of Umbria

    This plaque from Carsulae, in Umbria, refers to the creation of a leonteum erected by the lions at their own expense.


    Leonteum cum signo et cetero cultu exornatum / ex permissu sanctissimi ordinis ex pec(unia) sua / a solo fecerunt leones, consummati ab Egnatio Re/parato sacerdote legit(imo) et collatore, T(itus) Lep…
  • Monumentum

    Persian plaque from the palace of Darius

    Located at the western entrance to the Palace of Darius in Persepolis, this tablet bears an inscription mentioning Ahuramazda and Mithra.

    TNMM362 – CIMRM 9