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Monuments to Mithras tagged with ‘sol’

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult tagged with ‘sol’.

Your selection sol in monuments gave 118 results.

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  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Mithras and Tellus

    This relief of Mithras slaying the bull is unique because of the representation of Tellus lying under the bull.

    TNMM623 – CIMRM 598

  • Monumentum

    Main Tauroctony relief from Dura Europos

    The main relief of Mithras killing the bull from the Mithraeum of Dura Europos includes three persons named Zenobius, Jariboles and Barnaadath.

    TNMM298 – CIMRM 40, 41

    Θεοῦ (sic) Μίθραν ἐπόησεν Ζηνόβιος ὁ καὶ Εἰαειβᾶς Ἰαριβωλέους / στρατεγὸς τοξοτῶν ἔτους δευτέρου πυ̕.
  • Monumentum

    First Tauroctony relief of Dura Europos

    One of the reliefs of the Dura Europos tauroctonies includes several characters with their respective names.

    TNMM179 – CIMRM 37, 38

    Ἔθφανει ἰστρατηγα
  • Monumentum

    Sol and Mithras fresco of Dura Europos

    Sol watches Mithras as he gazes Mithras gazes up to heaven while sharing the sacred meal.

    TNMM203 – CIMRM 49

  • Monumentum

    Relief fragment of Ptuj

    Several Mithraic scenes, including Mithras with Saturn, Mithras with Sol and Mithras' Ascension, are depicted on this fragment of a relief from Ptuj.

    TNMM391 – CIMRM 1579

  • Monumentum

    Mithras pantocrator of the Villa Altieri

    This unusual representation of Mithras standing on a bull was kept in the Casino di Villa Altieri sul Monte Esquilino until the 19th century.

    TNMM475 – CIMRM 334

  • Monumentum

    Fragments of a Mithriac relief with Jupiter and Sol

    These three fragments of carved marble depict Jupiter, Sol, Luna and a naked man wearing a Phrygian cap, with inscriptions calling Mithras Sanctus Dominum.

    TNMM594 – CIMRM 332, 333

    [Domi]no sanct[o / o]ptimo maxim[o / sa]lutari iussu eius / libens dedit / [M(arcus)] Modius Ag/[atho] cum / [suis pro Faus]to / pat[rono]. Dedit M. Modius [Agatho] / sancto domino / invicto Mithra…
  • Monumentum

    Slab of Sol Invictus

    The slab of the Sun god has not yet connected to Mithras.

    TNMM249 – CIMRM 373

    Soli invicto / pro salute imp(eratorum) / et genio n(umeri) / eq(uitum) sing(ula- rium) / eorum M. Ulp(ius) / Chresimus sace[rd(os)] / Iovis Dolich[eni] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) [m(erito)]
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Villa Borghese

    This relief of Mithras slaying the bull was erected in Piazza del Campidoglio, moved to Villa Borghese and is now in the Louvre Museum.

    TNMM131 – CIMRM 415, 416

    Nama Sebesio. / Deo Soli invict[o] Mitrhe (sic!) / C(aii) Aufidii Ianuarius [et…] Nam/a/ ne CS
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony relief of Fertőrákos

    The main cultic relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Fertorakos was carved into the rock face.

    TNMM170 – CIMRM 1642

    ---] fecit inpendio suo
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Santo Stefano Rotondo

    The relief of Mithras killing the bull of Stefano Rotodon preserves part of his polycromy and depicts two unusual figures: Hesperus and an owl.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Neuenheim

    The Tauroctony relief of Neuenheim, Heidelberg, includes several scenes from the deeds of Mithras and other gods.

    TNMM205 – CIMRM 1283

  • Monumentum

    Bronze inscription from Aldobrandini

    This plaque, now on display in the British Museum, may have come from the Aldobrandini Mithraeum in Ostia.

    TNMM119 – CIMRM 234, 235

  • Monumentum

    Mithras triumphant over the Sun

    Fresco du Mithraeum de Hawarte, Syria, depicts Mithras' victory over the Sun.


  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonia del Cortile del Belvedere

    White marble relief depicting Mithras slaying the bull, dedicated by Atimetus.

    TNMM210 – CIMRM 546, 547

    Soli invicto deo / Atimetus Aug(ustorum) n(ostrorum) ser(vus) act(uarius) praediorum Romaniarorum.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Loggia Scoperta

    Currently in the Musei Vaticani, this Tauroctony includes Mithras's birth restored as Venus anaduomene.

    TNMM209 – CIMRM 556, 625

    Val(erius) Marinus pater sign(um) ǀ Invicti Mitrhe ex voto po(suit).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

    The main fresco of the Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere portrays Mithras slaughtering a white bull.

    TNMM169 – CIMRM 181

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Fellbach

    This relief of Mithras killing the bull, now on display in Stuttgart, includes a small altar with a sacrificial knife and an oil lamp.


  • Monumentum

    Coin of Valerian and Sol

    This coin was deposited in the upper level of the throne in the cult niche of the Mitreo della Planta Pedis.

    TNMM557 – CIMRM 277

  • Monumentum

    Relief de Bourg-Saint-Andéol

    The low relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol depicting Mithras killing the bull has been chiseled on the rock.

    TNMM129 – CIMRM 896, 897

    Num[ini] . . . . V . . | deum Invictum | T Fur(ius) Iu[stus?] d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) f(ecit).
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