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Mithra, ce dieu mystérieux

Maarten Jozef Vermaseren

Maarten Vermaseren, qui a publié un corpus des inscriptions et des monuments de la religion mithriaque et un certain nombre d'études savantes sur le même sujet est certainement l'un des meilleurs spécialistes de la question. En Orient, en Perse, dans l'Inde, des écrits peu explicites attest…


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

Fils du soleil et de la lune. La lune et le soleil dans l'imaginaire humain au fil des siècles

Fils du soleil et de la lune. La lune et le soleil dans l'imaginaire humain au fil des siècles

Dominique Persoons

Certains mythes de l'Antiquité sont probablement basés sur des récits de « mort imminente » exactement les mêmes que les nôtres. Ainsi, s'expliqueraient le Paradis, l'Enfer, l'âme, le Dieu unique, nos divers «états d'âme»... Les prophètes ser…

Mithras és misztériumai I-II

Mithras és misztériumai I-II

László Levente

A történelem homályában született, legalább 3500 éve ismert és máig tisztelt istenség a különböző korokban, vallásokban és alakokban felbukkanó Mithras, a fény. A kötet az isten történetének forrásait taglalja, középpontban a róm…

The Basilica and the archaeological area of San Clemente in Rome. A Guide to the Three Levels with Ground Plans

The Basilica and the archaeological area of San Clemente in Rome. A Guide to the Three Levels with Ground Plans

Federico Guidobaldi

Folio, large folder with superimposed and coloured plans of the three levels, explanation and legend. Also available in Italian.

Isis et Osiris

Isis et Osiris


The following is the opinion of the great majority of learned men. By some it is maintained that there are two gods, rivals as it were, authors the one of good and the other of evil. Others confine the name of god to the good power, the other they term de…

The Mysteries of Mithras. A Different Account

The Mysteries of Mithras. A Different Account

Attilio Mastrocinque

In this work, Attilio Mastrocinque cautions against an approach to Mithraism based on the belief that this mystic cult resembles Christianity. While both Christian and pagan authors testified that Mithraic elements were indeed borrowed, according to Attil…

Mithriaca II. The Mithraeum at Ponza

Mithriaca II. The Mithraeum at Ponza

Maarten Jozef Vermaseren

It is now more than thirty-five years ago that Professor Ferdinand Jozef de Waele guided my first steps in the rich field of archaeology at the University of Nijmegen. This compatriot of Franz Cumont and pupil of C. W. Vollgraff showed me the way to the s…

Two esoteric tarots

Two esoteric tarots

César Pedreros

Two Esoteric Tarots is the record of a fascinating conversation between Peter Mark Adams and Christophe Poncet, convened and with a foreword by César Pedreros. They compare their journeys of discovery into two wildly contrasting tarot decks, the dark rit…

Il Mitreo del Circo Massimo. Studio preliminare di un monumento inedito tra archeologia, conservazione e fruizione

Il Mitreo del Circo Massimo. Studio preliminare di un monumento inedito tra archeologia, conservazione e fruizione

Emanuela Murgia

This volume collects the first results of the extensive and articulated research project dedicated to the Mithraeum of the Circus Maximus, the result of the Research Agreement stipulated in 2016 between the Capitoline Superintendence and the University of…

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Monographs on monuments

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