De nobis
Due to the nature of the cult of Mithras, archaeology is the main source of The New Mithraeum Database (TNMdB) collects a large part of the already existing inventories and documentation of many experts who have specialised in this subject since Franz Cumont and Maarten Jozef Vermaseren. The New Mithraeum also integrates articles and opinions from other disciplines, even extra-academic ones, which try to piece together some of the many lost tesserae that make up the Mithraic mosaic. offers its members a simplified online editor that allows them to publish original articles. The service includes an editorial assistance to ensure a plural but consistent editorial line and a standard quality of each piece available on the site.
The New Mithraeum, like the Mithraeum of San Clemente, is divided in several rooms. Some are dedicated to study, others to reflection and meditation, and others to conviviality. There are also multifunctional rooms open to speculation and even some reserved for those who want to go a little further.
The New Mithraeum is a participatory project that aims to contribute to the knowledge of our past in order to better understand our present.
We are open to suggestions and contributions related to the research and sharing of knowledge about the cult of Mithras. If you have something to suggest, do not hesitate to send us a message.