Fragment of a greyish marble relief (H. 0.765 Br. 0.25-0.37 D. 0.085). At first in the Jericho’s workshop near the Piazza del Populo at Rome; since 1884 in the Nationalmuseet at Copenhague, Inv. No. 2229. Matz-v. Duhn III, 142 No. 3758; Davidson in AAR II, 1881, 12 No.4 and fig.; JHS 1888, 32f; MMM II 229 No. 66. See fig. 171, procured by H. Moller. Mithras as a bullkiller. Of the bull only a hoof of a hind-leg; of the god a foot and a part of his flying cloak have been preserved. On the rocky border the tail of the raven. Behind the bull, Cautes with upraised torch in Eastern attire and hau…