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White marble relief (H. 0.23 Br. 0.15 D. 0.10).
The New Mithraeum

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Attention: This entry may not have been reviewed and could contain incorrect data.White marble relief (H. 0.23 Br. 0.15 D. 0.10). Found in Italica, but the exact find-spot unknown. Museo arq. Sevilla, Inv. No. 828. Garcia y Bellido in AEA 81, 1950, 367ff and figs. 13-16 = Studies Robinson, I,776ff. Front: bull, walking to the right. Back: a tree, which seems to be a fig-tree. R. side: five corns of wheat. L. side: damaged. Vine tendrils with grapes. The monument may be mithraic, but it seems to me, that it is possible as well to connect it with the cult of Dionysos. 272 HISPANIA
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