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Relief de Bourg-Saint-Andéol

The low relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol depicting Mithras killing the bull has been chiseled on the rock.
  • Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol

    Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol
    The New Mithraeum / Raymond Hugues 

  • Monumentos mitríacos en Bourg-St-Andéol y Arles (Francia)

    Monumentos mitríacos en Bourg-St-Andéol y Arles (Francia)
    The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-SA) 

  • Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol

    Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol
    The New Mithraeum / Raymond Hugues 

  • Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol

    Tauroctony relief of Bourg-Saint-Andéol
    The New Mithraeum / Raymond Hugues 

  • Postal del bajo relieve de Bourg-St-Andéol

    Postal del bajo relieve de Bourg-St-Andéol 

The New Mithraeum
16 Jun 2009
Updated on Nov 2022

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Relief, hewn out in the rock (H. 1.50 Br. 2.00).

In a cave Mithras as a bullkiller. He is dressed in a flying cloak. The dog and the serpent near the wound; the scorpion at the testicles; the raven is perched on the border of the rock. In the upper corners Sol (l) in nimbus and radiate crown, and Luna (r) with a crescent on her head.
CIMRM 897In the left lower corner, in a frame, an inscription.

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Mithréum de Bourg-Saint-Andéol

The Mithréum de Bourg-Saint-Andéol was built against a rock where the main Tauroctony was chiseled.