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CIMRM 257 a|b

Head of Greek marble (H. 0.46).
The New Mithraeum

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Attention: This entry may not have been reviewed and could contain incorrect data.Head of Greek marble (H. 0.46). Lateran Museum (Sala XVI, 950). Becatti, M itrei Ostia, 56 and PI. XXXII, 3. Youthful head in Phrygian cap. End of second cent. A.D. Possibly belonging to this Mithraeum. Head of Italian marble (H. 0.36). Benndorf-Schone, l.c.; Becatti, o.c., 56 and PI. XXXII, 1-2. Youthful head of Mithras~Helios with pathetic expression. Half open mouth; the backside of the head is so elaborated, that a separate Phrygian cap could be attached to it.
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