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Two-sided relief from Konjic

The mithraic relief of Konjic shows a Tauroctony in one side and a ritual meal in the other.
  • Tauroctony relief of Konjic.

    Tauroctony relief of Konjic.
    The New Mithraeum / Olivier-Antoine Reÿnès (CC BY-SA) 

  • Sacred meal with Mithras, Sol, Cautes, Cautopates, a corax and a leo from Konjic.

    Sacred meal with Mithras, Sol, Cautes, Cautopates, a corax and a leo from Konjic.
    The New Mithraeum / Olivier-Antoine Reÿnès (CC BY-SA) 

  • Tauroctony from Konjic

    Tauroctony from Konjic

  • Sacred meal with Mithras, Sol, Cautes, Cautopates, a corax and a leo from Konjic.

    Sacred meal with Mithras, Sol, Cautes, Cautopates, a corax and a leo from Konjic.

The New Mithraeum
17 May 2021
Updated on Dec 2023

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Relief in grey limestone (H. 0.59 Br. 0.825 D. 0.10) from the Repovic mountains. It is sculptured on two sides and it was found near A. Sarajevo, Archaeological Museum. Probably 4th cent. A.D.

1) Front: By two vertical rims the relief is divided into three parts. In the grotto which is indicated by an arch with an inscription (No. 1896,2) Mithras kills the bull. The head of the god and part of his r. leg are lost. The raven is perched on the grotto’s border, the dog, the serpent and the scorpion in the usual places. Cautopates (l) is cross-legged; of Cautes (r) only the head and the
