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Mithraic relief of Baris

The Mithraic relief from Baris, in present-day Turkey, shows what appears to be a proto-version of the Tauroctony, with a winged Mithras surrounded by two Victories.
Βas-relief mithriaque de Baris

Βas-relief mithriaque de Baris
Franz Cumont 

The New Mithraeum
26 May 2021
Updated on Nov 2024

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Stone relief (H. 0.80 Br. 1.00). Was in the house of a Greek at Isparta around the year 1910, was afterwards lost, and has only recently be refound. At present in the collection of the "Maison du Peuple" at Isparta (Halkwi).

MM 229; Saxl 14 and fig. 38; Cumont M. As. Min. 70f and PI. II 1; CRAI 1947303ff and fig. 1.

The relief was thought to be a representation of Mithras as a bullkiller; it is, however, a Victoria tauroctone, as Louis Robert kindly informs me (Ct. Nilsson, Gr. Rel. II, 643 and PI. 16, 1, CRAI 1948, 401).

Au centre de la plaque on voit le Mithra tauroctone,

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