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Feast scene with Mithras and Sol from Ladenburg

A naked Sol leans over his fellow Mithras while raising his drinking-horn during the sacred feast.
  • Feast scene from Ladenburg

    Feast scene from Ladenburg 

  • Feast scene from Ladenburg

    Feast scene from Ladenburg
    The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
27 May 2021
Updated on Jan 2022

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This imposing bas-relief was unearthed in 1965 during a public project being carried out in Ladenburg, at Kastellweg 7, in the south part of the ancient city of Lopodunum in Germania Superior. Its material is a Keuper sandstone of superior quality, brought to the city from quarries located further up the Neckar.

The panel is decorated at the upper corners with two rosettes that have differently oriented petals. At the centre, inside a niche, Sol and Mithras banquet while semi-reclining on a couch beneath an arched vault. To the left, Sol, nude and wearing a diadem, his legs crossed,

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