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Mithraeum of Scarbantia

Emperor Julian is supposed to have presided over a human sacrifice in the Mithraeum of Scarbantia, according to N. Massalsky.
The New Mithraeum
1 Jun 2021
Updated on Aug 2021

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The hypothesis that Julian presided over a human sacrifice in the Mithraeum of Scarbantia (Pannonia) on 28 September 261 has no serious basis: the burial discovered under the bas-relief of the cult only attests to the fact that the disused sanctuary served as a necropolis for the inhabitants of the region.

L'hypothèse d'un sacrifice humain auquel Julien aurait présidé dans le Mithraeum de Scarbantia (Pannonie), le 28 septembre 261, n'a aucun fondement sérieux : la sépulture découverte sous le bas-relief cultuel attest seulement que le sanctuaire désaffecté a servi de nécropole aux …