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Aion from Muti's gardens

The lion-headed marble from Muti's gardens has a serpent entwined in four coils around his body.
  • Lion-headed god from Muti's gardens

    Lion-headed god from Muti's gardens

  • CIMRM 551

    CIMRM 551
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
2 Jun 2021
Updated on Sep 2023

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White marble statuette (H. 0.79 Br. 0.20 base). Formerly in Muti's gardens near the Villa Ludovisi, nowadays Lateran Mus., Inv. No. 318A.

On a hemisphere a figure with lion's head; with each hand, which he presses tightly against his body, he grasps a key. The lower part of his body is covered by a loincloath, knotted on his stomach, and entwined in four coils of the serpent, which rests its head on the god's (Aion). The wings are lacking.

Kircher, Oed. Aeg., III,504 and fig.; Raffei, Oss., 24ff probably describes the same monument, which according to him comes from the Casa Carpegna (Am…
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