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Tauroctony of Velletri

The Tauroctony found in Velletri, Rome, bears an inscription from its owner and donor.
Mithra killing the bull from Velletri

Mithra killing the bull from Velletri
2016 Musée du Louvre 

The New Mithraeum
8 Aug 2021
Updated on Jun 2024

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White marble statue (H. 0.90 Br. 0.77). The exact find-spot is unknown. The monument was at first at Velletri in the Palazzo Ginetti, later at Vescovali’s the antiquarian, then in the ColI. of Marchese Campana. Nowadays at Paris, Louvre (Inv. No. 1026). It is quite possible, that the relief originally comes from Velletri.

Lajard Intr. PI. CI 4; Zoega Abh. 148 No.9; Froehner Sculpt. No. 572; MMM II 248 No. 90 with fig. 81 ; RRS II 476 4. Our fig. 67 from a photograph willingly procured to us by Dr. P. Devambez Keeper of the Louvre.

Mithras, in usual attire and attitude, as a