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Tauroctony medallion of Egypt

This tauroctony may have come from Hermopolis and its style suggests a Thraco-Danubian origin.
Tauroctony medallion from Egypt

Tauroctony medallion from Egypt
CIMRM via 

The New Mithraeum
23 Jan 2022
Updated on Sep 2023

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Exped. Sieglin l.c. cites 'das Fragment einer Marmorscheibe darstellung in der Sammlung Rubensohn in Berlin'.

Two other mithraic pieces may also have come from Hermopolis, though neither has a recorded provenance other than simply Egypt.

The first is the lower part of a sizeable marble roundel (d. c.15 cm) acquired in 1965 by the Archaölogisches Seminar, Münster as part of the Rubensohn collection. It preserves what is clearly a portion of the mithraic tauroctony — filling originally the upper two-thirds of the field — with, in the lower register, a lion, a vessel, and then

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