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Hatra Temple

The city of Hatra was famed for its fusion of several civilization cults, which several temples devoted to gods from all Indo-European world.
  • Denniss 


The New Mithraeum
10 Jun 2007
Updated on Jan 2022

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Hatra was the best preserved and most informative example of a Parthian city. Its plan was circular, and was encircled by inner and outer walls nearly 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) in diameter and supported by more than 160 towers. A temenos (τέμενος) surrounded the principal sacred buildings in the city's centre.

The temples covered some 1.2 hectares and were dominated by the Great Temple, an enormous structure with vaults and columns that once rose to 30 metres. The city was famed for its fusion of Greek, Mesopotamian, Canaanite, Aramean and Arabian pantheons, known in Aramaic as Beiṯ

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