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Intaglio of Mithras Tauroctonus at the Walters Art Museum

This ancient carnelian intaglio mounted in gold depicts Mithras slaying the bull surrounded by his companions Cautes and Cautopates.
  • Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice

    Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice
    The Walters Art Museum 

  • Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice

    Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice
    The Walters Art Museum 

The New Mithraeum
30 Oct 2022

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Gem (0.019) said to be from Nemea; Walters Arts Gallery, Baltimore (Inv. 42.1342).

Mithras to l. slaying the bull in a grotto. The dog and the serpent. On either side a torchbearer sitting on a rocky stone; they hold their l. hands under their chins. The busts of Sol and of Luna.Evans Collection Catalogue 1938,37 No. 216; Dorothy K. Hill in Journal of the Walters Arts Gallery VII-VIII, 1944-5,76. I am obliged to Mrs. Dorothy K. Hill to reproduce fig. 661.In front of the cosmic cave, Mithras, flanked by his two torchbearers, Cautes and Cautopates, sacrifices the primeval bull. He is

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