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Tauroctony of Fellbach

This relief of Mithras killing the bull, now on display in Stuttgart, includes a small altar with a sacrificial knife and an oil lamp.
  • Miithrasrelief, Fellbach

    Miithrasrelief, Fellbach
    Landesmuseum Württemberg / O. Harl (CC BY-SA) 

  • Christian Friederich Sattler (1764) <em> 
Allgemeine Geschichte Würtenbergs und dessen angränzender Gebiethe und Gegenden</em>

    Christian Friederich Sattler (1764) Allgemeine Geschichte Würtenbergs und dessen angränzender Gebiethe und Gegenden
    Unknown author 

The New Mithraeum
11 Nov 2022

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The cult relief shows the killing of the bull by Mithras. As a sign of growth and decay in nature, three ears of corn grow out of the bull's tail, a dog jumps up on the bull and drinks its blood. Below the bull, a lion prepares to pounce, next to it a snake coils around a vessel, and a scorpion stabs the bull's testicles. A raven sits behind Mithras. Around the bull's head are a small altar, a sacrificial knife and an oil lampshown. In the upper spandrels of the relief Sol can be seen with a wreath of rays and a whip, as well as Luna with a crescent moon and a whip.

The relief was found
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