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Tauroctony of Pisa

This white marble relief of Mithas killing the sacred bull was found embedded in the building of a noble family in Pisa.
Relief of Mithras tauroctonos from Pisa

Relief of Mithras tauroctonos from Pisa
LoneWolf1976 (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
12 Sep 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.44 Br. 0.55), the r. upper corner of which is missing. 'Ritrovato incassato in un muro della stabile dei Signori Eredi Chiocchini in Pisa' (Lasinio). The inventary from 1883 mentions, that this house was situated in the Via l'Acciughe (quoted by Papini). Now in Campo Santo at Pisa.

Dütschke, Bildw. Pisa, 6 No. 9; Lasinio, Racc. Pisa, Pl. XVI, 36; MMM II 257f No. 100 and fig. 95; Papini, Cat. Pisa, 104 No. 174.

Mithras as a bullkiller. Dog and serpent near the wound; the scorpion on the usual place; the raven on a rocky stone. On either side Cautes (l) and