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Tauroctony of Mithras and Tellus

This relief of Mithras slaying the bull is unique because of the representation of Tellus lying under the bull.
  • Mithras and Tellus Tauroctony

    Mithras and Tellus Tauroctony
    Michael Fuller 

  • CIMRM 598

    CIMRM 598
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
21 Sep 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.70). Bought by Gerhard in Rome for the Altes Museum in Berlin (1834). During my visit at Berlin, I was not able to study the Berlin monuments personally.

In a cave, Mithras as a bullkiller in the usual attitude and attire. The god is looking at the raven, which is perched on the rocky border. The jumping dog with collar; the creeping serpent; the scorpion.

On the foreground a dressed; reclining woman (Tellus), leaning on her l. arm and resting on her knee a basket with fruits.

In the upper corners the dressed busts of Sol (l) in radiate crown and of Luna in
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