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Album of Portus

This marble tablet found at Portus Ostiae mentions a pater, a lion donor and a series of male names, probably from a Mithraic community.
The New Mithraeum
11 Oct 2023

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Tabula marmorea reperta in Portu Romano fossibus Torloniae.

CIL XIV 286; MMM II No. 140.

Album sacrato[rum...]

Underneath the first column:

. . reus pater / . . . [G]lycon / . . . Rufus / . . . [D]afinus . . . Sinplicius / . . . Petrus / . . . Crescentinus / . . . Crescentio / . . . Bictorus / . . . Dafinus / . . . Feston / . . . . [S]erpentius / . . . [A]pronianus / . . . Alexander / . . . Acuca.

Underneath the second column:

Tr . . . / Pet . . . / Pa . . . / Tr . . . / E x . . . / lu . . . / Me . . . / T . . . / Ro . . . / Sa . . . / Se . . . / Ap . . . /

Between the

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