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Base with inscription of Priscus Eucheta to Navarze

This inscription, which doesn't mention Mithras, was found near the church of Santa Balbina on the Aventine in Rome.
The New Mithraeum
17 Oct 2023

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Basis triquetra reperta a. 1727 in extremitate montis Aventini (in S. Balbina).

CIL VI 742; MMM II No. 55.

Invicto d(eo) Navarze / Terentius Priscus / P(ublii) f(ilius) / Eucheta curante / et sacratis / d(onum) d(edit) c(ompos) b(oti).

In this text, which does not mention Mithra by name, Nabarze is a theonym. [This] dedication engraved on a triangular base [was] found in 1727 near the church of Santa Balbina on the Aventine in Rome. In it, a certain Terentius Priscus Eucheta, who had been initiated and cured, thanks the invincible god Navarze for granting his wish. Note that this
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