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Cautes and Cautopates of Ostia found in 1939

This marble of Cautes was found together with his partner Cautopates in Ostia in 1939.
The New Mithraeum
19 Oct 2023

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Marble statue (H. 0.22), found in 1939 together with No 297 [below] between the Semita dei Cippi and the Via della Fortuna Annonaria. Ostia, Antiquarium.

Standing Cautes with upraised torch. Head, the greater parts of the arms and legs, the upper part of the torch have got lost. He is cross-legged and dressed in tunica manicata and cloak.

Marble statue (H. 0.19). Ostia, Antiquarium.

Becatti, Mitrei Ostia, 129 No. 2 and Pl. XXXVII, 4. and No. 3 and PI. XXXVII, 6.

Standing Cautopates in the same style. Head, greater parts of legs have got lost.