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Tauroctony of Santiponce

This unfinished Mithras tauroctonos without the usual surrounding animals was found in 1923 in Italica, near Seville, Spain.
Taurcotony of Santiponce

Taurcotony of Santiponce
Mitra en Hispania 

The New Mithraeum
21 Oct 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.31 Br. 0.35), found in Italica (Santiponce) 'en la calle de Doña Saturnino' in 1923. Mus. Arq. Sevilla.

Garcia y Bellido in AEA 81, 1950, 367f and figs. 11-12.

Primitive engraved representation of Mithras in usual attitude and attire, slaying the bull. No further animals; no torchbearers.

A quadrangular white marble plaque made from the five surviving fragments. The relief, carved in shallow relief, shows a figure wearing a Phrygian cap, a tunic with sleeves and a cloak flying to the left. With his left hand he holds the muzzle of a bull, which he domina…
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