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Tauroctony of Aelius Maximus of Turda

This small relief of Mithras killing the bull was found in 1859 in Turda, in the Cluj region of Romania.
Tauroctony of Aelius Maximus of Turda

Tauroctony of Aelius Maximus of Turda

The New Mithraeum
23 Oct 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.28 Br. 0.275 D. 0.025) found at Turda (Torda) in 1859. Museum at Cluj (Koloszvar = Klausenburg), Inv. No. 2580.

Ackner in MCC1 1860, 56; MMM II 3I7f No. 204 and fig. 179; Saxl, fig. 92. See fig. 501.

Mithras as a bullkiller in a grotto; the raven is perched on the god’s flying cloak. The dog, the serpent; the torchbearers cross-legged. Cautes (r) holds the torch upwards with his r.h. and in his l.h. a bow; Cautopates (l) holds the torch downwards (r.h.) and holds a bow over his left shoulder in his l.h. Behind him there are three scenes:

1) Standing
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