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Tauroctony in Copenhagen

This statue of Mithras as a bullkiller was bought at Rome where it might be found.
Mithras tauroctonus in Copenhagen.

Mithras tauroctonus in Copenhagen.
Carole Raddato 

The New Mithraeum
25 Oct 2023

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Marble statue (H. 0.85). Bought at Rome, where it might have been found. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Inv. No. 716.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteks ant. kunstw., Pl. XXVI No. 389; Poulsen, Kat. Ny Carlsb. Glypt., 258 No. 389. See,fig. 170, kindly procured by the Keeper of the Museum.

On a base Mithras as a bullkiller in Eastern attire. The god is looking upwards. The dog and the serpent near the wound; the scorpion on the usual place. Some small restorations: Mithras’ nose, a part of his attire and hair, fingers of the l.h. and toes of the r. foot; the bull’s r. ear and horns, part of…