Petrogeny of Bingen
This sculpture of Mithras born from a rock was found in 1922 together with two altars in what was probably a mithraeum.
The New Mithraeum
25 Oct 2023
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Behrens in Germania VI, 1922, 82f and fig.; REA XXVI, 1924, 137; AJA 1924, 344; Esp. Rec. Gaule VIII, 109 No. 7418 and fig.; RRS V 225 No. 6; Koepp, Germ. Rom., Pl. XXXVII, 2; Behrens, BL, 20 No. 1 and fig. 31. See fig. 321.
Naked Mithras being born from the rock on which a coiling serpent. The transi…