Tauroctony of Golubić
This relief of Mithras as a bullkiller was found in Golubić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, near a cementery.
The New Mithraeum
26 Oct 2023
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Tomaschek in SbAW (Phil. Hist.Kl.) 99, 1881, 467ff; S. Ljubic in Vjesnik V, 1883, 122; Bornicic in Kroatische Revue II, 1886, 144; Patsch in WMBH V, 1897,354 and fig. 11; MMM II 327 No. 222 and 490f with fig. 426; Brunsmid in Vjesnik VIII, 1905, 63ff No. 123 and fig.; Patsch in Glasnik Zem. Mus. BH. 1895,455; Gabricevic in AJ I, 1954,37 No. 12, The fig. 498 is kindly given by B.