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Tauroctony of Palazzo Mattei di Giove

This relief of Mithras as a bullkiller, probably found in Rome, has been part of the Palazzo Mattei collection since at least the end of the 18th century.
  • Tauroctony of Palazzo Mattei di Giove

    Tauroctony of Palazzo Mattei di Giove

  • CIMRM 534

    CIMRM 534
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
3 Nov 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.95 Br. 1.85), walled in the Palazzo Mattei under the arches of the inner court, to the right of the entrance.

Monumenta Matheiana, Roma 1778, III, Pl. 1; Turre, Mon. Vet. Antii, 159; Zoega, Abh., 149 No. 22; Matz-v. Duhn III, 141 No. 3756; MMM II 218f No. 47 and fig. 49; RRR III, 299, 2. See fig. 150.

In a cave Mithras in the usual attitude and attire, slaying the bull. The dog and the serpent near the wound; the scorpion at the testicles; the raven on the rocky cave. Cautes with upraised torch stands behind the bull; Cautopates on the other side with his torch
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