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Altar of Malaga

This lost monument from Malaga, Spain, to Dominus Invictus has been linked to the cult of Mithras, although there is not enough evidence.
The New Mithraeum
7 Nov 2023

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Quadratum, litteris inconditissimis cum gutturio et patera.

CIL II 1966; MMM II No. 519.

L. Servilius Supera/tus domino invicto / donum libens ani/mo posuit / ara[m] merenti.

Its Mithraic nature is not clear. In his catalogue (MMM, II, p. 167, no. 519), Cumont places it among the solar inscriptions, but in the preface to volume I he considers it "très probablement mithriaque", convinced by the presence of a colony of Syrian merchants in the region, to which he had devoted attention in a study dedicated to the Syrians in Córdoba (Cumont, 1924). A wandering argument justified by
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