Slab of Quintus Claudius from Santiponce
Recent interpretations link this marble inscription to the cult of the goddess Nemesis.
The New Mithraeum
7 Nov 2023
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Chicarro de Dios in Revista de Archivos LVI, 1950,4 and PI. I, 2.
Between two engraved feet an inscription:
Q(uintus) C(laudius) C.... / D(eo) i(nvicto) S(oli).
s(acrum) is possible too.
Greyish-white marble slab, found in fragments in the amphitheater of Italica, a Roman city in the province of Baetica (modern-day Santiponce, near Seville, Spain). The slab is dated to the first half of the 2nd century AD and is currently housed in the Archaeological Museum of Seville.