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Inscripton of Justus from Caerleon

This oolite base, dedicated to the invincible Mithras, was found in the baths of the Villa de Caerleon, Walles.
The New Mithraeum
9 Nov 2023
Updated on Nov 2023

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Ara rotunda fracta, alta ped. 3 dig. 8 1/2 litteris bonis puto secundi exeuntis.

CIL VII 99; MMM II No. 472.

[Deo in]victo / [Mi]thrae / ... s Iustus / c[(enturio) leg]ionis II aug(ustae) / [l(ibens)] m(erito) f(ecit).

invicto: interpretation by R. P. Wright who is preparing a new work "The Roman Inscriptions of Britain", and was willing to supply us with the most accurate information regarding the Mithras-inscriptions.

Part of a cylindrical base with the left-hand side cut away.

[In]victo / [Mi]thrae / […]s Iustus / […le]g(ionis) II Aug(ustae) / [b(ene)] m(erenti)

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