Petrogeny of Florence
The sculpture of the birth of Mithras in Florence included the head of Oceanus.
The New Mithraeum
11 Nov 2023
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Dutschke, III, 88 No. 146; Conze in AEMO II, 119; MMM II 259 No. 102 and 487 No. 102 with fig. 420; Amelung, Fiihr. Fl., 58f No. 83; Saxl, 70 and fig. 154; Brogi, 9246; Vermaseren in Studia van Hoorn, 289 and PI. XXI, 3. See figs. 189 and 190 procured by the Sopraintendenza aIle Gallerie.
The naked Mithras, only preserved up to his navel, is born from the stone-rock. On the front of the rock a head in long hair and beard has been represented (Oceanus). At the back of the stone a hole for a water-tube, which communicat…